Protecting wild fish for future generations
The Conservation Angler fights for the protection of wild Pacific anadromous fish populations throughout the Northwest, all the way to Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.
We rely on the best available science to guide our efforts. We’d rather make friends than enemies—but we’re not afraid to stand our ground and raise our voice to ensure the well-being of wild fish populations that have no voice of their own.
At our core, we are a watchdog.
We hold state and national agencies accountable for existing policies that require the long-term protection and recovery of wild steelhead and salmon to fishable and ultimately, harvestable abundance. TCA will use all legal and political means necessary.
Multinational knowledge meets common goals.
Our three-decades of practical experience with Russia’s wild steelhead as well as an immense body of scientific and field research reinforces the notion that wild fish, not artificial propagation, hold the best hope for the wild abundance all of us want and that future generations deserve. We wake up each morning ready to fight the battles necessary to help wild fish thrive.
Ready to take the next step?
Whether your passion is fish conservation, The Osprey Journal, supporting the next generation of wild fish guardians, or the next big idea in wild fish conservation — we celebrate your involvement, financial giving and other contributions to the cause.
Your generous support of The Conservation Angler allows us to protect the wild fish you love.

“Wild salmonids have never been in greater danger. We must do everything possible to protect them — through reliance on scientific understanding, applying it to policy and management, using persistent advocacy and angler activism.”
David Moskowitz, Executive Director