Our stories are our work.
Read our blog to track our progress.

Joint Statement on Lower Columbia River Hatchery Settlement with WA Dept. Fish and Wildlife
The Conservation Angler and Wild Fish Conservancy have reached a legal settlement regarding the Mitchell Act and SAFE Hatchery programs with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Protecting Native Winter Steelhead in the North and South Santiam Rivers
Protecting and Restoring Willamette River Basin Wild Winter Steelhead

Honoring Jim Lichatowich TCA Scientific Advisor
Honoring Jim Lichatowich - Writer and Wild Salmon Warrior

Kamchatka Steelhead Project UpdateJuly 2024
Kamchatka Steelhead Project Update for 2024 - Fall Science and Anti-Poaching Expedition Preparing to Execute

Conservation Advocates Challenge Lower Columbia River Hatchery Programs in Federal Court
Conservation Advocates Sue Over Lower Columbia River Hatchery Programs Harming Wild Salmon and Hindering Recovery Progress
Big Steps Forward Protecting McKenzie River Water Quality
TCA joined with Northwest Environmental Defense Center (NEDC) and Willamette Riverkeeper (WRK) to successfully challenge new water quality permits for two hatcheries on Oregon’s McKenzie River.

Conservation Advocates Serve Notice of Intent to Sue State and Federal Agencies Over Columbia River Hatchery Programs Harming Wild Salmon Recovery
The Wild Fish Conservancy and The Conservation Angler issued a 60-day Notice of Intent to the Department of Commerce and NOAA Fisheries, the states of Oregon and Washington, and Clatsop County for what they say are “chronic and ongoing violations of the federal Endangered Species Act” at lower river hatcheries that produce Chinook, coho and chum salmon, and steelhead.

Kamchatka Steelhead Project Field Reports -2023
2023 Kamchatka Steelhead Project Field Reports
by Professor Kirill Kuzishchin, Moscow State Univ.

A forty-year spending spree failed to move the wild salmon needle: Will the salmon recovery industry learn from history?
A recent study on recovery of salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River basin revealed that despite investing $9 billion in restoration actions spanning four decades, there was no discernible increase in the abundance of wild salmon and steelhead passing through Bonneville Dam.

2023 Annual Report
We are excited to share The Conservation Angler’s 2023 Annual Report. It highlights TCA's accomplishments in 2023, and our plans for 2024.
A Boat Load of Legislative Advances for Wild Fish
Early legislative success focused on water resources, computer chip innovation, education and housing.
As the focus moved to environmental issues, the tone changed, and the partisan divide deepened. In the end, The Conservation Angler believes that there were notable achievements.

Federal Disaster Relief Failing to Protect Rivers, Floodplains and Salmon
FEMA has failed to address wild salmon habitat when it allows rebuilding in the floodplains.
Columbia River Wild Steelhead Limbo - Going Lower than the Previous Lowest Return Since {1943} 2021
Columbia River Wild Steelhead Limbo - Going Lower than the Previous Lowest Return Since {1943} - 2021 - ?

Olympic Peninsula Steelhead Petition Moves Forward to Comprehensive Review
The petition presented “substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that the petitioned action may be warranted.”

Kamchatka Steelhead Project - 2022 Reports
Kamchatka Steelhead Project 2022 Field Season Update
Columbia River Basin Wild Summer Steelhead: Season in Review
Observations, Comments and Concerns about Coluymbia River Wild Steelhead