Kamchatka Steelhead Project:
2021 Field Report
by Professor Kirill V. Kuzishchin, Moscow State University
Steelhead Science and Conservation in the Field in Kamchatka. Photo by Matt Harris
Moscow State Univ. scientific lead, Dr. Kirill Kuzishchin, is a veteran of the Russian Steelhead science and conservation efforts. He began drafting this report on his flight home from Kamchatka in November. You will easily hear and even feel his observations and enthusiasm for wild steelhead as you dive into this report.
Thank you to the Russian Federation, Kamchatka Trophy Hunts, The Fly Shop of Redding California and our KSP Sponsors for persevering in 2021.
Dr. Kirill Kuzishchin on the Utholok in 2020