Protecting Native Winter Steelhead in the North and South Santiam Rivers
North Santiam Wild Winter Steelhead Photo by John McMillan
In 1999, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) listed native winter steelhead trout in the upper Willamette River basin in Oregon as a species threatened with extinction under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has continued to pay for and allow hatcheries to produce and release non-native summer steelhead into the North and South Santiam Rivers.
Summer steelhead compete with, prey upon and/or interbreed with winter steelhead, and contribute to its decline. We’re challenging the Corps for contributing to the decline of imperiled steelhead.
NOAA Fisheries recently released its five-year status review of Upper Willamette River (UWR) Steelhead ( The review states that UWR Steelhead are at “moderate-to-high” risk of extinction, with a declining viability trend.
It also explains that releases of non-native hatchery summer steelhead are causing genetic introgression with UWR Steelhead and that impaired diversity and spatial structure “limit” the recovery of the species.
Thanks to your support, The Conservation Angler is fighting in court to protect UWR Steelhead from these hatchery threats and to ensure that UWR Steelhead receive the protections they deserve under the ESA.
Juvenile Upper Willamette wild steelhead Photo by John McMillan
Our Motion for Summary Judgement filed in April, and our follow-up Motion opposing the defendant’s reply are published below. The Conservation Angler and Willamette Riverkeeper are represented by the Western Environmental Law Center.
We expect to have a hearing on these motions late this Fall, and a decision in 2025.
The Conservation Angler is a nimble and effective advocate for wild fish and wild rivers. Support TCA today.
TCA and WRK Motion Opposing Cross-Motion for Summary Judgement from Federal and State Defendants